Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day......blegh. I'm sick.

When did my body decide to hate me? When did I run myself down so much? Oh yeah, I know. Between working a 40 hour week at work, teaching three days a week then doing weekends at the show has really taken a toll on me. I guess I've been trying to escape the breakup, making myself so busy so I can't/won't think about it. But now I have a temp of 102/103 and I feel awful....I'm not doing the show tonight, so that helps for rest, but that also means no church tomorrow. We shall see.
I had my friend Stephanie pray with me on the phone last night and she said, in her prayers, that I had my focus on other places than is it that people can read me so transparently? I feel like my prayers are hitting the ceiling, or are not being heard, unless others are praying with me? Like I need a conduit to my Savior. Silly, I know. But I'm trying to use faith to get through this and I feel like I'm struggling more than I need to be. I should be over it, or better at it, or something.

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